Please join me in cheering for the following KOD-members, who have good news to share:

Anna Taylor Sweringen just received an offer from The Wild Rose Press to publish her erotic romance novella, A WOMAN WHO AIN’T BEEN ASKED.

And Marta Perry had more good news this week—HQN has offered a contract for a new 3-book romantic suspense series. That’s in addition to the six books plus novella we announced a week or two ago.

CREATING FATE, the 3rd book in Tamra Lassiter’s Role of Fate series, releases today.

Here’s the blurb:

We can’t create our own fate.

Justin Simms joined the Army to distance himself from his family and the painful secret he’s hiding from them. When he has to travel home for his brother’s wedding, he worries they’ll find out he’s not as happy as he pretends to be.

Justin notices Annie immediately. She’s smart, beautiful, and recently out of a relationship—all the traits he looks for in a woman. She’s also wholesome and openly looking for Mr. Right—two things that scare the crap out of him. Yet, spending time with Annie makes him happy. He doesn’t have to pretend.

Annie’s a strong, intelligent woman who is successful in every way except for one. Her first sexual encounter with her teenage boyfriend was a disaster and has haunted her ever since. Annie just knows that if she finds true love, her insecurities will fade away. She isn’t ashamed to admit she’s looking for love. Her parents have had a happy marriage, so why should she settle for anything less? When Annie meets Justin, she thinks he might be the one she’s looking for. Will Justin realize that meeting Annie really was fate and deal with his past before it’s too late?

For more info, please visit

And for any of you who missed it, Kathy/C. K. Crouch wrote 102,045 words for the month of November.  She hit 50,023 on November 14th, before NaNoWriMo was halfway over. 

And that’s what we’ve got for the week. Have a good weekend.