Your Good News Fairy is back from a fabulous trip to Germany. Some of you asked me to post photos, so I’ve placed a few on the KOD Instagram page, Rwakod. Saw so many great places, it was difficult to decide which photos to share. 


Holiday Stories up for Preorder 


Vicki Batman’s Sommerville holidays, a collection of short stories that take place at Christmas, is up for preorder. 


Hopes and wishes and holiday kisses…Sommerville holidays. 


Holiday Disaster:Days before Christmas, a librarian experiences plumbing issues and a Mr. Maintenance Man who isn’t nearly as jolly as Santa Claus. 


The Littlest Angel: Two people. One ornament for the tree. Can a twosome find common ground and discover the true meaning of Christmas? 


Holiday Handbag Extravaganza: The Christmas Countdown is on! A hunk-a-licious customer pesters a boutique owner to locate a vintage handbag for his mother. Too bad the wedge between them is his sister, the meanest girl in town. 


New Holiday Novella 


Augustina Van Hoven just released her time travel Christmas novella titled The Christmas Kiss.

What if the love of your life lived another time? 


Fresh Pick  


Pat Pritchard, writing as Alexis Morgan, was thrilled to find out that FRESH FICTION designated her cozy mystery, Death by Jack-O’-Lantern as a Fresh Pick. In addition, they featured the book on the Wednesday Reads segment on WFAA-TV NEWS 8 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area! 


Perils of an Awestruck Reporter 


Carolyn Rae has just released the sequel to Pretend Princess. Royal Wedding Scoop features reporter Danielle Dawson. Awestruck at the sight of handsome Prince Armando, she trips and falls into the wedding cake just before he discovers a ticking bomb.  


On Tour Again 


Barbara Barrett began her ten-day Great Escapes Virtual Book blog tour promoting her new cozy mystery, Beware the East Wind, yesterday. For details of where she is each day, check her website at 


She is also featured in the most recent issue of the digital Mah Jongg magazine, “MJ Diva.”  

