After no good news last week, we’re back in business.

Audio Debut

Stanalei Fletcher is excited to announce that the first book in the Northstar Security series, Proving Ground, made its debut in Audio last week. Narrated by Charles Henderson Norman, this story starts off the adventures of the agents from the Northstar Security Firm. FMI, you can check out this link:

New Book in Series

Misty Simon’s next book in the Adventures in Ghostsitting series arrives on February 19. Mel’s cousin finds a fortunetelling ball in a thrift store and it comes with far more than just a bunch of high school memories. Gnomes, trolls and magic abound in this next installment as Danner Tenley not only tries to sort out the paranormal mysteries in town but also a new twist to her relationship with her landlord. Don’t miss Having a Ball available February 19.

Speaking and Teaching Gigs

Misty has also been confirmed to speak at the first annual Northern Hearts Conference in September with the Toronto Romance Writers’ Chapter in Canada. The class is called The Game’s Afoot and will feature ideas on how to put mystery in any story.

She’ll also be teaching Mindmapping at Hallowreads in Ellicott City, Maryland in October.


 Barbara Barrett will be signing both her romance novels and her first cozy mystery, Craks in a Marriage, during the RELIC (Retired Educators Living in Celebration) booksale on Saturday, February 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

