Short Story Accepted

M.A. Monnin’s short story, “Bad Ju-Ju,” was accepted for the anthology Malice Domestic 14: Mystery Most Edible.

As she puts it, “Finally getting a piece of fiction published! Woo hoo!”


First and Third

Lisa Heartman’s romantic suspense, High Heels and Handguns, took 1st place in the romantic suspense category and 3rd place overall in the OCC (Orange County California chapter) RWA Orange Rose contest.

New Representation

Misty Simon is super pleased to announce that she has signed with Jill Marsal at Marsal Lyons Literary Agency. 


Holiday Mystery on Another Planet


Nancy Northcott wrote The End on the rough draft of her SF mystery novella for the Christmas on Outcast Station anthology. Outcast Station is the armpit of human space, the place careers go to die. Can Federated Colonies Deputy Marshal Hank Tremaine save his?