Surprise! I have free WiFi in my hotel room at Malice Domestic, so this report hasn’t been delayed after all.


Two Finals and a Registration

Lois Simenson’s good news is that her novel is a finalist in the Romantic Suspense category of the 2019 Utah Romance Writers Great Beginnings Contest. And her other novel is a finalist tied for first in the contemporary category of the 2019 Wisconsin FabFive contest. She has also registered for the 2019 Writer’s Police Academy MurderCon class at Sirchi in Raleigh, NC. 


Desert Diamond Finalist

C.S. Smith just found out that her entry, Near Miss, is a finalist in the Romantic Suspense category of the Diamonds in the Desert Contest, sponsored by the Desert Rose Chapter of RWA. 


Goal Met and Exceeded

Kathy Crouch exceeded her Camp goal by 5,030 words. Grand total for the month was 20,030 words. It is an extreme rough draft with lots of wandering and back story and just basically an incomplete mess, but it is a start to a new project for her. It’s been a couple of years since she won this or NaNo. 


Release Sooner

Claudia Shelton reports that Entangled Publishing has moved the release date of the second book in her Shades of Leverage series to July 22, 2019 instead of November. And she’s been given the okay to write the third in the contracted series.

