Busy Lady

Donnell Bell needs a clone. She received her proofs for Black Pearl, A Cold Case Suspense, due back by 9/16, and was invited this week to appear on a radio program in her newly recently located-to city with the host and president of Friends of the Library. It’s been so long since she had a release and even longer since she did Toastmasters, she was a bit apprehensive. When the host wrote back and said the president had to leave after the first hour and that she would be doing an hour alone with the host, said apprehension turned into panic. She plans to do a lot of promoting of RWA®, KOD, and other writing organizations about grants, literacy, contests and more. However, she has a secret weapon for something interesting to talk about. A few years back, she had dinner with Tess Gerritsen who was writing about Hollywood and the Author. Tess wrote the screenplay to “Gravity,” which starred Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Shortly after the film’s release, Tess was tipped off anonymously that they had taken HER screenplay and used it to make the film. Donnell recently emailed her in the middle of the night and Tess sent her an article about the lawsuit, which is now being taught in law schools! Donnell thinks it’s exceptionally good news that she’ll have something to talk about. (Tess sued! Hollywood wanted to settle and wanted her to sign a non-disclosure agreement. She refused. She wanted to talk about this. Very gutsy lady.) 


Still on a Roll

JB Schroeder revealed her new book, Practically Persuaded in Pittsburgh, a novella and her first foray into contemporary romance, is now available for pre-order and releases Oct 8. This book kicks off an exciting new collaborative series called “Ticket to True Love.”
