Identifying Marketing Trends in Publishing

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Sharpen your marketing instinct with this killer topic.


April 27, 2024, 9am CT, Zoom

with Tia Benson-Bond

Identifying trends in publishing is a course designed to help participants understand the current and emerging trends in the publishing industry. The course covers topics such as the impact of digital technology on publishing and the importance of social media and marketing strategies. Participants will learn tips to analyze industry data, identify emerging trends, and develop strategies to capitalize on these trends. The course will also provide insights into the evolving role of publishers and authors in the changing landscape of publishing. By the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of the publishing industry and the skills necessary to identify and capitalize on emerging trends.

About the Instructor:

TB. Bond has been writing, drawing, and web designing for years. When she is not doing one of those things, she’s reading and watching anime. Nerdtastic to the core she’s a Whovian, Trekie, Otaku, and probably a whole host of other things. Currently, she lives with her husband, a fellow nerd, in Virginia.


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